General Building Code Test Certificate - Translation -
Test Certificate No.:
P-5196/307/09 MPA-BS
Test item:
AQUAFIN-CJ6 swellable joint sealing tape for internal joint sealing in concrete members with a high water penetration resistance against pressing and non-pressing water and against ground moisture in compliance with the Administrative Provisions – Technical Building Rules sequential no. C 3.30
SCHOMBURG GmbH & Co.KG Aquafinstraße 2 - 8 D-32760 Detmold
Date when first issued:
Issued on:
Valid until:
This General Building Code Test Certificate (abP) consists of 7 pages and 5 annexes. This translation is not checked by the testing laboratory. The legally binding text is the German Version. This translation may not be used in the German building control procedure.
Materialprüfanstalt für das Bauwesen (MPA BS) Beethovenstraße 52 D-38106 Braunschweig
Fon +49 (0)531-391-5400 Fax +49 (0)531-391-5900
Norddeutsche LB Hannover IBAN: DE58 2505 0000 0106 0200 50 BIC: NOLADE2H VAT ID No.: DE183500654 Tax Reg. No.: 14/201/22859
Notified body (0761-CPR) Approved as a civil engineering testing, inspection and certifying body as well as notified as a civil engineering testing and certifying body.
MPA BRAUNSCHWEIG Page 2 | General Building Code Test Certificate No.P-5196/307/09 MPA-BS of 09/03/2025
General provisions
This general building authority test certificate demonstrates the usability of the construction product as defined by the German State Building Codes.
The general building authority test certificate does not replace the permits, approvals and certificates required by law for the execution of construction projects.
The general building authority test certificate is granted without prejudice to the rights of third parties, including, but not limited to, private intellectual property rights.
Manufacturers and distributors of the construction product must provide the user of the construction product with copies of the general building inspectorate test certificate and point out that the general building inspectorate test certificate must be available at the point of use, without prejudice to further regulations in the “Special provisions”. Upon request, the manufacturer/distributor must provide copies of the general building inspection test certificate to the authorities involved or to the test engineers and experts or institutions involved in the building inspection procedure.
The general building authority test certificate may only be reproduced in full. Publication of excerpts requires the consent of the Braunschweig Civil Engineering Materials Testing Institute (MPA Braunschweig). Texts and drawings of advertising material must not contradict the general building authority test certificate. Translations of the general building authority test certificate must bear the following notice: “This translation of the German original document has not been checked by the MPA Braunschweig”.
The general building authority test certificate is issued on a revocable basis. The provisions of the general building inspectorate test certificate may be supplemented and amended at a later date, in particular if technical findings make this necessary.
The general building authority test certificate refers to the information and documents provided by the applicant. Changes to these basic principles are not covered by the general building authority test certificate.
MPA BRAUNSCHWEIG Page 3 | General Building Code Test Certificate No.P-5196/307/09 MPA-BS of 09/03/2025
Special provisions
Test item and field of application
Test item This General Building Code Test Certificate (abP) applies to the fabrication and use of the "AQUAFIN-CJ6" swellable joint sealing tape in connection with the installation adhesive “AQUAFIN-CA“ of SCHOMBURG GmbH & Co.KG for internal sealing of construction joints in structural elements made from concrete with a high water penetration resistance in accordance with the Administrative Provisions – Technical Building Rules sequential no. C 3.30. The "AQUAFIN-CJ6" swellable tape is produced in rectangles of 20 mm x 5 mm (width x height).
Field of application The swelling tape may be used for the internal sealing of construction joints in structural elements made from concrete with a high water penetration resistance, with a maximum opening width of 0.25 mm, against: -
Ground moisture and non-pressing water Pressing water up a maximum water pressure of 0.8 bar (8 m WC)
The swelling tape is suited for use in zones of frequently changing water levels. The sealing complies with utilisation-class A requirements for application classes 1 and 2 as set forth in the regulations for watertight structures (WU-Richtlinie)1. The swelling tape must be applied as specified in section 4 (Execution). The sealing effect of the tape is based on its ability to swell.
Provisions concerning the construction product
Composition, properties and characteristics The AQUAFIN-CJ6 swellable tape is based on a thermoplastic elastomer. It is coated and comes in rolled lengths of 25 metres. For application of the swellable tape to the hardened concrete, either the installation adhesive “AQUAFIN-CA“ (supplied in 300-ml cartridges). The construction products have the characteristic values that are shown in table 1 and annexes 1 to 3, which they must comply with. The fitness for use of the swelling tape as a sealing means for construction joints in structural elements made from concrete with a high water penetration resistance has been demonstrated in accordance with the test principles for certification with General Building Code Test Certificates (abP) for "joint waterproofing elements in structural elements made from concrete with a high water penetration resistance when in contact with the ground" (PG-FBB, Part 1, May 2020). Results are documented in Test Repors No. 5196/307/10 issued by MPA Braunschweig.
German committee for RC directive “Wasserundurchlässige Bauwerke aus Beton” (watertight structures made from concrete), December 2017
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Construction joints that are sealed with the swelling tape •
provide adequate stability
are adequately impervious to water
provide adequate age resistance
for the fields of application mentioned in section 1.2 above. The reaction to fire of the swellable tape conforms with the class-E requirements in DIN EN 13501-1.
Production, packaging, transport, storage, marking
Production The construction products are produced industrially.
Packaging, transport, storage The swelling tape is packed in boxes containing rolls of 25 metres each. The product has to be handled and stored, so the swelling tape, the adhesive and the mounting rail will not be adversely affected in their designed properties. The materials have to be protected against the action of frost and atmospheric influence. The information provided on the packaging regarding other official requirements must be complied with. The manufacturer's specifications regarding storage periods shall be complied with. System components that have to be used together must be clearly marked and marketed together.
Marking Conformity mark (Ü mark) The manufacturer shall mark the construction products with the conformity mark (Ü mark) in compliance with the conformity marking regulations of the federal states. The conformity mark with the required details: • •
Name of manufacturer Number of the General Building Code Test Certificate (abP)
shall be shown on the packaging or, if this should not be possible, in the package leaflet. This marking may be provided only if the conditions set forth in section 3 below are complied with. Additional details The following details must be shown on the packaging of the construction product or in package leaflet: • Product name • Lot number • Intended use • Reference to application requirements
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Declaration of conformity
General information Confirmation that the construction product conforms with the requirements set forth in the present General Building Code Test Certificate (abP) shall be provided for each production plant in the form of a manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. This declaration shall be issued on the basis of an initial type test and factory production control (FPC) in accordance with sections 3.2 and 3.3 below. The manufacturer shall declare conformity by marking the construction product with the conformity mark (Ü mark) in accordance with
Initial type test of the construction product performed by an approved inspection body An initial type test is not required for the product, if the samples used for testing for purposes of a general type approval were taken from the normal production run in the production plant. If the conditions under which the product is manufactured should change, the initial type test must be repeated.
Factory production control (FPC) DIN 18200 requires that factory production control (FPC) be established for, and be performed in the production plant. Factory production control must be performed in compliance with the specifications shown in table 1, which reflect the special features of the product and the conditions for producing this product. The requirements made are based on the results of the initial type test. The results of factory production control must be recorded and evaluated by the manufacturer. The records must at least include the following details: • • • • •
Name of the product Type of test or inspection Date when produced and date of test Test results and comparison with requirements Signature of person in charge of factory production control
The records must be kept for a minimum of five years and must be presented upon request. Should testing supply inadequate results, the manufacturer must take immediate action to remedy any deficiencies noted. Non-conforming construction products must be handled so that confusion with conforming and faultless construction products is positively prevented. Once the deficiency has been corrected, the required test must be repeated to the extent that is necessary to prove adequate correction.
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Table 1: Type and frequency of tests to be performed as part of factory production control Properties
Test conditions
AQUAFIN-CJ6 swellable tape Inspection of source materials
Manufacturer's declaration or suitable tests
No signs of change
Per shipment lot Per lot
5.2mm ± 5%
21.4mm ± 5 %
122 g/m ± 3%
Per lot
Stored for 8 days in (demin.) water
1040 wt % ± 10%
Swelling capacity (gain in weight)
Installation adhesive AQUAFIN-CA Inspection of source materials
Per shipment lot
cf. Annex 1
0.97 g/cm³ ± 3%
Infrared spectrum
cf. Annex 3
Execution The DBV data sheet “Injection hose systems and swellable inserts for construction joints”, version December 2020 and the manufacturer's technical data sheets (Annexes 4 and 5) apply to the execution and installation work. In the joint region, the concrete surface must be dry to moist (without a glossy water film), plane and clean, and it must be free from loose material, cement slurry and release agents. The swellable tape must always be glued to the concrete surface with the installation adhesive “AQUAFIN-CA“. The swelling tape has to be checked for perfect fit and premature swelling immediately before placing the concrete. This General Building Code Test Certificate and the manufacturer's processing instructions must be available at the installation location.
Legal basis This General Building Code Test Certificate (abP) is issued on the basis of article 19 of the building code of Lower Saxony (NbauO) in conjunction with the Administrative Provisions – Technical Building Rules sequential no. C 3.30.
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Legal remedy This General Building Code Test Certificate (abP) is subject to objection. Objections must be lodged in writing or stated orally on the record of the management of Materialprüfanstalt für das Bauwesen, Beethovenstraße 52, 38106 Braunschweig within a period of one month after it has been issued. The date on which the Testing Laboratory receives the notice of objection shall decide on whether the objection was made timely.
Dipl.-Min. F. Ehrenberg Head of Testing Laboratory
i. A. M. Pankalla Engineer/Official in Charge
MPA BRAUNSCHWEIG Annex 1 | General Building Code Test Certificate No. P-5196/307/09 MPA-BS of 09/03/2020
Properties of the AQUAFIN-CJ6 swellable joint tape •
red, rubber-elastic, homogeneous
1.25 g/cm³
Weight loss: (TGA, 25° C to 1000° C)
73.4 wt %
see annex 2
Swelling capacity after (gain in weight) - Ca(OH)2 storage (pH 12):
2 h = 21 wt % 1 d = 139 wt % 8 d = 428 wt %
- H2SO4 storage (pH 4.5):
2h= 9 wt % 1 d = 99 wt % 8 d = 301 wt %
- Storage in water (demin.):
2 h = 54 wt % 1 d = 464 wt % 8 d = 1043 wt %
Swelling pressure:
1.06 N/mm²
class E acc. to DIN EN 13501-1
Properties of the installation adhesive AQUAFIN-CA •
transparent, clear, paste-like, homogeneous
0.97 g/cm³
Infrared spectrum:
see annex 3
MPA BRAUNSCHWEIG Annex 2 | General Building Code Test Certificate No. P-5196/307/09 MPA-BS of 09/03/2020
Thermogravimetric analysis
AQUAFIN-CJ6 swelling tape
Thermogravimetric analyses were made on thebasis of DIN EN ISO 11358 specifications. The heating rate was 10 K/minute. Measurements were made with a thermoanalysing station in a nitrogen atmosphere and with synthetic air. The weight loss was determined at temperatures between 25°C and 1000°C.
TG /%
DTG /(%/min) [1]
90 -1 80 -2 70 Peak: 709.9 °C
Peak: 330.9 °C
-5 Peak: 722.0 °C
Masseverlust 25°C bis 1000°C = 73,4% 30
Peak: 450.0 °C 100
2009-11-04 12:40
Nut zer: Obermann
500 Temperatur /°C
900 2009t196.ngb
MPA BRAUNSCHWEIG Annex 3 | General Building Code Test Certificate No. P-5196/307/09 MPA-BS of 09/03/2020
Installation adhesive AQUAFIN-CA
The IR analyses were made with a Perkin-Elmer FTIR unit of type Spectrum 2000 Explorer, wave number range 4000 cm-1 to 600 cm-1. The quantities of the samples were selected so that the DIN 51451 requirements respecting extinction conditions were complied with. The installation adhesive was removed from the cartridge, applied to a ZnSe sample holder (without having been preconditioned) and then analysed under the spectroscope. Materialprüfanstalt für das Bauwesen, Braunschweig 100,00
907,1 2728,1
1601,5 813,5
50,0 3026,3 759,2
40,0 1377,5
30,0 1746,5
20,0 1229,1 699,2 1455,8
10,0 2924,3 1116,3 2853,6
0,00 4000,0
1800 cm-1
A hardened sample of the material (7-day hardening time) was analysed with the Golden Gate Single Reflection ATR System. Materialprüfanstalt für das Bauwesen, Braunschweig 100,00
70,0 1600,5
60,0 1376,2
699,7 630,3
40,0 1454,8
20,0 1105,6 2851,6
MPA BRAUNSCHWEIG Annex 4 | General Building Code Test Certificate No. P-5196/307/09 MPA-BS of 09/03/2020
Manufacturer's Technical Data Sheet
MPA BRAUNSCHWEIG Annex 5 | General Building Code Test Certificate No. P-5196/307/09 MPA-BS of 09/03/2020