Licence Number:
For the product
Of company
Schomburg GmbH & Co. KG
Due to application date
With reference to the classification in accordance with the directives as stipulated in § 10 of the GEV trademark constitution
on behalf of the GEV for the above mentioned product as per § 5, section 4 of the GEV trademark constitution is awarded the licence for the use of the GEV trademark
This product meets with the guidelines for the criteria of use listed reverse. The company is ordinary member of the GEV.
OM023 30.01.2025 valid until 30.01.2030
Requirement guidelines for the awarding of the EMICODE licence The product mentioned on the front side of the licence has to fulfil among others the following criteria in accordance with the Constitution and the guidelines of the Technical Advisory Board of the GEV: • The product meets all the legal requirements, especially the chemical laws and their specifications. • The product is solvent free as specified in clause 2.4 of the “GEV Classification Criteria”, except if it is a surface treatment product. If the product is assigned to a GISCODE product group then this can be labelled. • A safety data sheet (SDS) according to local law in its respectively valid version is issued for the product. • Carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic substances of the categories 1A or 1B are not added during the manufacture of the product. • The testing of the product is performed in accordance with the GEV Testing Method. VOC determination is performed in a test chamber followed by the Tenax / thermal desorption procedures with subsequent GC/MS analysis. • The assignment of an EMICODE class is performed according to the following criteria and TVOC/TSVOC concentration levels. The corresponding EMICODE class shall be used to label the product: 1) Installation products, adhesives and construction products
EC 1
EC 2
max. allowed concentration [µg/m³]
TVOC after 3 days
< 750
< 1000
< 3000
TVOC after 28 days
< 60
< 100
< 300
TSVOC after 28 days R value based on German AgBB LCI (NIK) after 28 days Sum of non-assessable VOC
< 40
< 50
Formaldehyde after 3 days
Acetaldehyde after 3 days
< 0.05 ppm
< 10
Sum of form- and acetaldehyde Sum of volatile C1A/C1B after 3 days Any volatile C1A/C1B after 28 days
2) Products for floor surface treatments for parquet, mineral floors and resilient floorings Parameter
max. allowed concentration [µg/m³] ≤ 100 thereof max. 40 SVOC
< 150 thereof max. 50 SVOC
< 400 thereof max. 100 SVOC
Acetaldehyde after 3 days Any volatile C1A/C1B after 3 days Any volatile C1A/C1B after 28 days
Sum TVOC + TSVOC after 28 days
Edition: 04.10.2017