SCHOMBURG GmbH & Co. KG Aquafinstrasse 2–8 D-32760 Detmold (Germany) phone + 49-5231- 953-00 fax + 49-5231- 953-108 email
Technical Drawing 1.70.2
Waterproofing of a construction joint or slide bearing in an underground garage ceiling with AQUAFIN®-RB400
5 4
2 3
1 Reinforced concrete wall or ceiling 2 Construction joint or slide bearing 3 ASO-Joint-Tape-2000-S 4 Waterproofing with AQUAFIN-RB400 5 Drainage and protective layer 6 Extensive vegetation
The rights of the buyer with regard to the quality of our materials are based on our terms and conditions of sale and delivery. This description is a non-binding sample description. It does not claim to be complete. This description does not release the user from their duty of care. This version becomes invalid in the event of a new version being issued. HE/RiR/KK