Technical data sheet AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS Crack-bridging mineral-based waterproofing slurry
Material number
Unit of quantity
Dark grey
Combination packs
Product features Cementitious waterproofing slurry (MDS) Improved crack bridging even at low temperatures (- 5 °C) [CM O1 P in accordance with DIN EN 14891] Resistant to contact with chlorinated water [CM O1 P in accordance with DIN EN 14891] resistant to concrete-damaging water, in accordance with DIN 4030 Very low emission - EMICODE® EC 1PLUS
Advantages Resistance to frost and thaw UV and ageing-resistant Adheres to matt damp substrates without primers Vapour permeable
Fields of application / waterproofing For waterproofing building components in direct ground contact with ground moisture and non pressure water ( W1.1-E, W1.2-E in accordance with DIN 18533) for waterproofing splash water and ground moisture at the wall base and capillary water in and under walls (W4-E in accordance with DIN 18533) As retroactive building waterproofing in accordance with WTA datasheet 4-6 for waterproofing containers and basins (W1-B, W2-B in accordance with DIN18535)
Areas of use/bonded waterproofing For waterproofing bonded with tiles and boards As bonded waterproofing for water impact class W0-I to W3-I in accordance with DIN 18534
SCHOMBURG GmbH & Co. KG · Aquafinstr. 2–8 · D-32760 Detmold (Germany) · Tel. +49-5231-953-00 · Fax +49-5231- 953-333 · 1/8
Technical data sheet AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS Technical Data Material properties Product components Base material Consistency Density, ready to use product (ISO 1183-1) Crack bridging PG MDS / FPD Crack bridging in accordance with ASTM C836 Crack bridging ability DIN EN 14891 (at normal and low temperatures) Watertightness (PG MDS/FPD) Watertightness against negative pressing water (WTA-datasheet 4-6) Tensile adhesion strength DIN EN 1542 Water vapour diffusion coefficient µ CO2 Sd value (2 mm dry film thickness) Tensile elongation in accordance with ASTM D 412-16 Watertightness when installed in accordance with PG MDS/AIV Classification of the reaction to fire in accordance with DIN EN 13501-1
2 component system Polymer-mortar combination Filler consistency approx. 1.6 kg/dm³ to 0.4 mm > 2.6 mm > 0.75 mm to 2,5 bar to 0,75 bar ≥ 0.5 N/mm² < 1000 > 200 m approx. 192 % to 2,5 bar E
Mixing Mix ratio, component A Mix ratio, component B Mixing time Maturing time Water addition, maximum
2.5 weight proportion 1 weight proportion approx. 3 minutes approx. 3 minutes Max. 0.5 l per 35 kg
Application Substrate/application temperature Pot life Wet film thickness (yields 1 mm dry film thickness) Method of application, max. layer thickness per application step Second application step after waiting time Foot traffic after Withstands pressurised water after
approx. 5 - 30 °C approx. 60 minutes approx. 1.1 mm up to 1 mm approx. 3 - 6 hours approx. 24 hours ≥ 7 days
System components in accordance with AbP AIV Tile adhesive
System components for building waterproofing Mortar / restoration plaster
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Technical data sheet AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS Material rate Material consumption rate according to the area of application
Processing equipment Aids/tools Stirrer (approx. 500-700 rpm) Suitable mixing paddle Trowel Serrated or layer-thickness trowel Flat trowel Brush Spray equipment
Manual processing Can be trowelled off
Machine application AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS can be mechanically applied. For precise information, see the additional Technical Information No. 43.
Suitable substrate Old, firmly adhering bituminous substrates Concrete Masonry work Plasters P II and P III
SCHOMBURG GmbH & Co. KG · Aquafinstr. 2–8 · D-32760 Detmold (Germany) · Tel. +49-5231-953-00 · Fax +49-5231- 953-333 · 3/8
Technical data sheet AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS Preparing the substrate Requirement for substrate 1. Even 2. Free of adhesion inhibiting substances 3. Sealed in the surface 4. Pore open 5. Load-bearing 6. Extensively fully grouted
Preparing the details 1. Before any subsequent application, remove all loose or poorly bonded layers from the wall footing and the transition to the splash water plinth down to the cementitious substrate. 2. Clean and degrease flanges. 3. Edges are to be chamfered and corners are to be rounded. 4. Depressions > 5 mm and mortar pockets, plaster grooves in brickwork, open butt or bed joints, damaged areas, large pored substrates or uneven masonry work must be levelled in advance with ASOCRET-M30 (cement-based mortar).
Preparing the surface 1. In the case of substrates damaged by de-icing salt, the substrate must be removed down to the neutral area, e.g. by means of milling, etc. 2. On uneven substrates, pre-sealing can also take place with ASOCRET-M30. 3. Pre-moisten the dry substrate so that it is matt damp at the time of application. 4. Extremely absorbent and slightly sandy substrates must be primed with AQUAFIN-Primer. 5. The primer must be completely dry / must have reacted fully before the subsequent work steps are carried out. 6. Moisture penetration from the rear and intermittent moisture loading from the negative side must be avoided. 7. For waterproofing with moisture penetration from the rear, we recommend pre-sealing with AQUAFIN-1K or ASODUR-SG2/-thix.
Base slab-wall transition 1. Pre-screen with AQUAFIN®-1K or ASOCRET-M30 in a consistency that is able to screen. 2. While still wet, install a sealing cove with an edge height of at least 4 cm made of ASOCRET-M30. 3. After drying, carry out the waterproofing with AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS. 4. In the area of structural movement joints, the waterproofing is reinforced with ADF®-Dehnfugenband (Expansion-Joint-Tape) or ASO®-Dichtband2000-S and integrated in the area waterproofing.
Pipe penetrations 1. In water wear class W 2.1-E, suitable loose fixed flange constructions or tested house entry systems must be used. 2. For the watertight formation of pipe penetrations, the system components of the ASO-Dichtmanschetten (Joint sealing tape sleeves) are to be used in accordance with their technical data sheets.
Application Mixing 1. Fill approx. 50-60% of the liquid component into a clean mixing bucket and mix with the powder component to produce a homogeneous, lumpfree mass. 2. Finally, add the rest of the liquid component and mix sufficiently. 3. Depending on the application technique (e.g. application by screen or spray technique), do not add more water than specified under “Technical Data > Mix > Water addition, maximum”. Water is added after mixing. 4. Water is added after mixing. 5. The mixing time is ca. 3 minutes. 6. After a settling period of ca. 5 minutes, thoroughly homogenise the compound again.
Waterproofing 1. The material rate is dependent on the required dry film thickness corresponding to the water impact class (see Material rate table). 2. Apply AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS in a minimum of two application steps ensuring it is free of pores. 3. The second application (and following) step can take place when the first application step can no longer be damaged by reworking. (see “Technical Data > Processing > Second application step after waiting time”) 4. An application thickness of more than 2 kg/m² in one application step can lead to cracking. 5. An even layer thickness is achieved using a coating thickness trowel or notched trowel and then smoothing.
SCHOMBURG GmbH & Co. KG · Aquafinstr. 2–8 · D-32760 Detmold (Germany) · Tel. +49-5231-953-00 · Fax +49-5231- 953-333 · 4/8
Technical data sheet AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS Waterproofing bonded with tiles and boards 1. Tiles or boards are layed with one of the tile adhesives listed in the system components section. 2. Apply the sealing sleeve in accordance with the Technical Data Sheet. 3. Floor drains and intersections in the tank area must be provided with suitable flange elements. 4. The waterproofing layer must be completely hardened at the time of the laying work.
Movement and connecting joints For watertight formation of moving and connecting joints, use ASO-Dichtband system components in accordance with their technical data sheets.
Cleaning tools Clean tools immediately after use with suitable solvent.
Storage conditions Storage Store in a frost-free, cool and dry place. At min. 5 - 40 °C for 12 months in the original canister. Promptly use opened container.
Disposal Product leftovers can be disposed of in accordance with disposal code AVV 17 01 01 and AVV 08 04 10.
Emission behaviour / building certification systems Very low emissions in accordance with GEV-EMICODE, which normally results in positive evaluations within the scope of building certification systems in accordance with DGNB, LEED, BREEAM, HQE. Maximum quality level 4, line 8 in accordance with DGNB criteria "ENV 1.2 Risks to the local environment".
Notes When used underwater or in swimming pool surrounds, the pool water must comply with DIN 19643. AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS as a surface coating must not be exposed to point or linear loads. AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS may be plastered and coated with vapour permeable, solvent-free dispersion facade paints or dispersion silicate paints (not pure silicate paints). Silicon resin paints and acrylate-based paints may also be used. On PVC, gunmetal, and stainless steel flanges, ASO®-Dichtmanschetten or alternatively ADF®-Pipe-Gasket must be installed without voids or wrinkles and integrated seamlessly into the waterproofing. In case of strong sunlight, work against the movement of the sun in shaded areas. Direct contact with metals such as copper, zinc, and aluminium must be avoided by means of a pore sealed primer. A pore-sealed primer is produced via 2 application steps using ASODUR®-GBM (see technical data sheet). In rooms with high humidity and/or insufficient ventilation (e.g. water containers), dropping below the dew point (condensation formation) may occur on the surface. This must be avoided by taking suitable measures such as by using condensation dryers. Direct heating or uncontrolled blowing warm air is not permitted. Protect surfaces that are not to be treated from the effects of AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS! The waterproofing must not be affected by water during binding. The effect of water from behind can lead to spalling in case of frost.
Relevant regulations Extract of essential regulations DIN 18533 DIN 18534 DIN 18535 WTA datasheets
Observe applicable safety data sheet!
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Technical data sheet AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS Explanations Conformity / Declaration / Verification
SCHOMBURG GmbH & Co. KG · Aquafinstr. 2–8 · D-32760 Detmold (Germany) · Tel. +49-5231-953-00 · Fax +49-5231- 953-333 · 6/8
Technical data sheet AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS Impact classes and typical applications in accordance with DIN 18533
Impact classes and typical applications in accordance with DIN 18534-1
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Technical data sheet AQUAFIN®-2K/M-PLUS Impact classes for container in accordance with DIN 18535
The rights of the buyer with regard to the quality of our materials are based on our terms and conditions of sale and delivery. Our technical advice team will be happy to advise you in the case of requirements that exceed the scope of the application described here. In order to be binding, a legally binding written confirmation is required. The product description does not release the user from a duty of care. Lay a test area in the event of uncertainty. This version becomes invalid in the event of a new version being issued.
SCHOMBURG GmbH & Co. KG · Aquafinstr. 2–8 · D-32760 Detmold (Germany) · Tel. +49-5231-953-00 · Fax +49-5231- 953-333 · 8/8