Retrospective crystalline waterproofing
Key Facts
Crystalline waterproofing forms a fascinating waterproofing method. Once applied to the concrete surface, the active ingredients from the waterproofing material penetrate inside the building component and cause a brisk crystal growth. The smallest pores and cracks become filled with crystals and impermeable to capillary water. “Foe becomes friend“ – water penetrating the building component behaves as a “transport medium“ for the active ingredients and takes them deep into the substrate. An additional advantage – waterproofing with AQUAFIN-IC is suitable for potable water containers.

1 Opening cracks and damaged areas
Remove all loose debris from the cracked and damaged areas. Chisel out the static crack to a width of at least 20 mm and a depth of 25 mm.

2 Immediate waterproofing of water leaks
Seal water leaks professionally with the rapid hardening mineral-based plugging mortar, FIX 20-T.

3 Mixing FIX 20-T
Homogenously mix a quantity of powder appropriate to the water leak with approx. 25% water to a pliable consistency. Form a plug of the right size, by hand. Work quickly – the pot life is only approx. 3 minutes.

4 Plugging the water leak
Press the formed plug into the area where there is running water. Hold the plug tightly in place until it has hardened. Immediately work the plugged area with a trowel.

5 Repairing voids
Make good faulty areas with FIX 20-T or alternatively ASOCRET-IM.

6 Producing the coved fillet
Produce a coved fillet of edge length approx. 4 cm, with ASOCRET-IM and apply into the freshly slurried area with AQUAFIN-IC, wet in wet. After 1 – 3 hours, overcoat the ASOCRET-IM with AQUAFIN-IC.

7 Application of AQUAFIN-IC
Dampen the area to be waterproofed, with clean water. Apply two coats of AQUAFIN-IC at the required consumption rate with a roofers broom, brush or by spray. Apply the second coat, whilst the first coat is still tacky and has not dried out.

8 Post treatment
Protect the fresh coating from weathering such as e.g. sun, wind, rain and frost etc. Keep the waterproofing coat damp for a minimum of 3 days. Carry out the first damping process after approx. 1 day.