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The substrate system

Key Facts

1 Gypsum plaster


Suitable substrate for water penetration class W1-I. Adequately dry and not polished or finished with a felt pad in a dry environment and proven substrate.

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-PLUS
Smoothing compound: SOLOCRET-60

2 Gypsum Plasterboard


Suitable substrate in internal area up to water penetration class W1-I. Tiles fixed direct. Observe manufacturer's loading statement.

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-PLUS
Smoothing compound: SOLOCRET-60

3 Cement-based fibreboard


Suitable substrate in internal areas up to water penetration class W3-I. Resistant board substrate. Ideal for commercial kitchens or areas with high water penetration. (Photo: © James Hardie Europe GmbH)

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-S
Smoothing compound: SOLOCRET-60

4 Tilebacker board

5 Tile


Acceptability in the system dependent on the substrate beneath the existing tile finish. Firmly bonded, free from dirt, dust, grease and plaster residues, a problem free substrate in renovation.

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-S
Smoothing compound: SOLOCRET-60

6 Concrete


Suitable substrate for mechanical stresses and high water penetration. Adequately old (as a rule after ca. 6 months) and free from laitance layers, binder rich areas and adhesion reducing materials. A substrate for the industrial environment.

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-GE
Smoothing compound: SOLOCRET-60

7 Substrate with adhesive residues


Acceptability in the system dependent on the substrate beneath the existing tile adhesive.

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-GE
Smoothing compound: SOLOCRET-60

8 Cement-lime render


Suitable substrate for internal and external areas up to water penetration class W3-I. Roughly finished and not smoothed, an absolute Allrounder of substrates.

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-GE
Smoothing compound: SOLOCRET-60

9 Cement-based render


Suitable substrate in internal and external areas up to water penetration class W3-I. The most pressure stabilized and non-sensitive amongst render/plaster substrates.

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-GE
Smoothing compound: SOLOCRET-60

10 Tilebacker board


Suitable substrate in interior and exterior areas up to water penetration class W3-I. Suitability and application to manufacturer's instructions. (Photo: © wedi GmbH)

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-GE

Levelling compound: SOLOPLAN-30-PLUS

11 Tile


Application as a system dependent on the substrate beneath the existing tiling.
Well bonded, free from contamination, dust, grease and plaster residues, a problem free substrate for the renovation.

Our product recommendations for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-S
Smoothing compound: SOLOPLAN-30-PLUS

12 Concrete


Suitable substrate for mechanical stresses and high levels of water penetration. Adequately old (as a rule after ca. 6 months) and free from laitance layers, binder rich pockets and adhesion inhibiting materials. A substrate for an industrial environment.

Our product recommendations for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-GE
Smoothing compound: SOLOPLAN-30-PLUS

13 Screed (cement bound)

Suitable substrate in internal and external area up to water penetration class W3-I. Installed in conventional damp-earth consistency or as a flowable variant. Optional as a special construction as an accelerated or rapid screed.

14 Substrate with adhesive residues


Application as a system dependent on the substrate beneath the existing tile adhesive.

Our product recommendations for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-GE
Smoothing compound: SOLOPLAN-30-PLUS

15 Timber construction


Suitable substrate in dry internal area. Solid, screwed, free from deflection, levelled and uncoupled. Functional renovation.

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-PLUS
Levelling compound: SOLOPLAN-30-PLUS

16 Asphalt screed


Suitable interior substrate up to water penetration class W3-I. Adequately firm, unheated and protected from strong sunlight. Suitable to take tiles and thin layer smoothing compounds (<10 mm).

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-PLUS
Levelling compound: SOLOPLAN-30-PLUS

17 Screed (calcium sulfate bound)


Suitable interior substrate up to water penetration class W1-I. Applied conventionally in a damp earth consistency or as a flowing consistency. After abrading the surface and drying, it depends on the tile format!

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-PLUS
Levelling compound: SOLOPLAN-30-PLUS

18 Screed boards


Suitability for rooms with water penetration dependent on manufacturer. Suitability varies in accordance with manufacturer's information. A substrate with versatility. As a dry screed (screed board) or as a hollow floor for direct installation of tiles or with wet construction with a calcium sulfate based screed. (Photo: © James Hardie Europe GmbH)

Our product recommendation for you

Primer: ASO-Unigrund-PLUS
Levelling compound: SOLOPLAN-30-PLUS

19 Accessories

Additional accessories for the substrate system from SCHOMBURG