Waterproofing construction joints with elastomeric swellable water bars - White tanks
Key Facts
Another successful variant to waterproofing concrete construction joints, is the incorporation of so-called swellable rubber. Elastomer swellable water bars consist of special polymers as well as special fillers and also react on water contact with a strong and relaible swelling behaviour. Compared to bentonite swellable water bars, elastomer water bars have the advantage that they swell ‚dimensionally stable‘ on water ingess (> 700%) and cannot therefore be flushed out. Applications extend to waterproofing day joints in site poured concrete and element walls, which constantly or partially experience exposure to ground water, surface water and water accumulating on slopes. Its use is also possible in riarian areas.

1 Bonding with a mounting adhesive
With a hand caulking gun, squeeze out the mounting adhesive AQUAFIN-CA and fully press in the AQUAFIN-CJ6 until the mounting adhesive oozes out the side.

2 Mechanical fixing
Alternatively where there is at least 8 cm concrete cover from the water bearing side, AQUAFIN-CJ6 can be fixed at 4 – 6 points by screw or nail. The swellable water bar must lie flush with the concrete substrate.

3 Butt joints
Waterstop tape joint connections can carried out by butt jointing. With larger wall sections the butt joints are to be secured with a separate waterstop tape overlapped on each side by a minimum of 50 mm.

4 Overlapping joints
As an alternaitive waterstop tape connections can be carried out by overlapping by a min. of 50 mm. The waterstop tapes must lie securely against one another to prevent defects.

5 Corner joints
Corner joints must always be carried out with additional protection.